Find "Phone"
Press arrow right to access the main menu.
Press Phone.
Select option
Press the keypad icon.
Choose one of the following options:
Divert all calls, go to 2a.
Divert missed calls, go to 2b.
Divert if unavailable, go to 2c.
Divert if busy, go to 2d.
Choose one of the following options:
Divert all calls, go to 2a.
Divert missed calls, go to 2b.
Divert if unavailable, go to 2c.
Divert if busy, go to 2d.
2a - Divert all calls
Key in**21*(prefix) 5 (your phone number)#
If you choose to divert all calls, the divert icon is displayed in standby mode.
2b - Divert missed calls
To select for how long you want your phone to ring before the call is diverted:
Key in **61*your voicemail number**the required number of seconds#
**61*(prefix) 5 (your phone number)**5#
Key in **61*your voicemail number**the required number of seconds#
**61*(prefix) 5 (your phone number)**5#
2c - Divert if unavailable
Key in**62*(prefix) 5 (your phone number)#
Divert if unavailable compiles divert missed calls and divert if busy in one setting.
2d - Divert if busy
Key in**67*(prefix) 5 (your phone number)#
Send request
Press call.
A request to divert the selected calls to your voicemail is sent to the network.
A request to divert the selected calls to your voicemail is sent to the network.
Press ok.
Press the Home key to return to standby mode.