Find "Phone"
Press Phone.
Choose option
Choose one of the following options:
Divert all calls, go to 2a.
Divert missed calls, go to 2b.
Divert if unavailable, go to 2c.
Divert if busy, go to 2d.
Divert all calls, go to 2a.
Divert missed calls, go to 2b.
Divert if unavailable, go to 2c.
Divert if busy, go to 2d.

2a - Divert all calls
Key in **21*prefix 5 phone number#
If you phone number is 0871234567:
Key in *21*08751234567#
If you phone number is 0871234567:
Key in *21*08751234567#
The voicemail number is your mobile phone prefix (the first three digits) followed by the number 5, then the rest of your phone number.

2b - Divert missed calls
To select for how long you want your phone to ring before the call is diverted:
Key in **61*prefix 5 phone number**the required number of seconds#
If you phone number is 0871234567:
Key in *61*08751234567**10#
Key in **61*prefix 5 phone number**the required number of seconds#
If you phone number is 0871234567:
Key in *61*08751234567**10#
The voicemail number is your mobile phone prefix (the first three digits) followed by the number 5, then the rest of your phone number.

2c - Divert if unavailable
Key in **62*prefix 5 phone number#
If you phone number is 0871234567:
Key in *62*08751234567#
If you phone number is 0871234567:
Key in *62*08751234567#
The voicemail number is your mobile phone prefix (the first three digits) followed by the number 5, then the rest of your phone number.
Divert if unavailable compiles divert missed calls and divert if busy in one setting.
Divert if unavailable compiles divert missed calls and divert if busy in one setting.

2d - Divert if busy
Key in **67*prefix 5 phone number#
If you phone number is 0871234567:
Key in *67*08751234567#
If you phone number is 0871234567:
Key in *67*08751234567#
The voicemail number is your mobile phone prefix (the first three digits) followed by the number 5, then the rest of your phone number.

Send request
Press Call.